Hire WordPress Developer

Magesol specializes in WordPress Developer

Magesol fulfills all staffing requirements of companies looking to hire technical professionals for their WordPress projects. Whether you require a single developer or a full-fledged team including project manager, theme developer, plug-in developer, system architect or designer, we offer you complete assistance.

Once we have a requirement from you, we conduct a detailed project analysis and determine the level of expertise and team size required to execute your project. We then carefully define the skill set that a prospective candidate must possess. We follow a stringent selection process to ensure that you get an access to the best pool of talent.

Selection Criteria for WordPress Developers

Basic Qualification: This includes a college degree in technical education from a recognized institute or university.

Technical Skills

  • PHP: Most open source CMS are built in PHP; therefore having a thorough knowledge forms an indispensable part of job specification of a WordPress developer.
  • AJAX, MySQL, JavaScript: WordPress makes an extensive use of AJAX and all data is stored in MySQL. It is important for a prospective candidate to be well versed in these technologies.
  • CSS and HTML: For any open source developer, it is necessary to possess the knowledge of CSS and HTML.
  • Operating Systems: WordPress website, blog or CMS is supported by various operating systems including Windows, Linux and UNIX. Understanding about these operating systems plays an important role.
  • Work Experience: While hiring WordPress developers for small projects, we ensure that the candidates possess at least two years of experience in all aspects of open source software. If you project is more demanding, we can look for technical resource having five or more years of experience.
  • Magesol understands that for small projects, the key roles can be handled by only one developer but for large and complex projects, we focus on role differentiations. We will hire WordPress theme developers, plug-in developers, CMS expert, system architect and Project manager/planner depending upon your requirements.

Selection Procedure

  • We shortlist applications on the basis of above written criteria and call in the candidates for a written test followed by personal interview.
  • The resumes of selected candidates are shared with you before final hiring. If required, we will also conduct online or telephonic interview of the candidates with you. On hiring, the team works at our site on your project.

Benefits of Hiring WordPress Developers from Magesol

  • Access to a large pool of talent
  • Time and cost saving
  • Flexibility to escalate the team size at any time depending upon the scope of your project
  • Payment can be made on hourly or monthly basis
  • Resource can be hired on temporary, contract or permanent basis

Hire Junior Level Dedicated Developers

  • To Upscale your software development capabilities
  • Starts at $4/hour & $640/month.

Hire Mid - Level Dedicated Developers

  • To Upscale your software development capabilities
  • Starts at $6/hour & $960/month.

Hire Senior Level Dedicated Developers

  • To Upscale your software development capabilities
  • Starts at $8/hour & $1280/month.

You can also send email : hire@magesol.com

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